UX Study / Strategy / Planning
In order to understand the experiences and technology delivered by Intel PCs, I worked with a team leading several UX studies that investigated the user's holistic journey in a real world environment over a long timeframe. The longitudinal study findings/recommendations were disseminated across the organization within multiple disciplines. As a result, the overall user experience scores of the products within the study were improved. The team also established the best known methodologies to assess user experiences from comprehensive perspectives.

Note: Due to Intel's confidentiality policy I cannot provide specific details regarding the scope of this project.


How do people use/like their devices? What do users think about the innovative technology that Intel creates? The biggest challenge is the complexity of the problem space. A PC has various design/engineering aspects which, however, cannot be separated from the user's point of view. The team and I both developed a longitudinal study methodology that brought the traditional UX study focus of usability to an assessment on holistic user experiences throughout the consumer journey before, during and after using a product.

Research methods included, but were not limited to, ethnography study, user interviews, focus group, and telemetry data analysis. We found that sometimes we needed to investigate specific areas to help prioritization and determined that A/B testing was a good fit for this area.


From the study, we identified the core issues that existed within the current journey. To maximize impact, we collaborated with cross-disciplinary teams on research observation, analysis, and design exploration within an agile user-centered development framework.

Speaking to different disciplines is KEY in this process. As teams have professionals who have disapparate focuses and expertise, my philosophy is to always listen to the questions and communicate in a way that helps build actionable next steps in order to improve the product.


Longitudinal study results have highlighted the awareness of holistic experiences delivered by the device instead of individual ingredients/technology. The cross-disciplinary collaboration has driven product improvements as well as brought the "user experience" to the focus of product development.

As a result of this process, our efforts were recognized with 2 organization awards from the Intel Client Computing Group Vice President.

products within teh study:
PCs: Laptop, 2-in-1, tablet and smart phones. (2014 Broadwell; 2015 Skylake; 2016 Kaby Lake)
Technology: RealSense Technology, Windows Hello, Truekey, Wireless Display, Wireless Charging, Wireless Docking, Cortana, Genie by Nuance, iFlytek
Users: General Consumer and Business